$2 Million RWA Grant Program

  1. Is there any deadline to fill out the application form?

No, the application form is currently open to ensure maximum participation from developers. When the application form is closed, we will announce it on our channel.

  1. How does the application process work?

If you are a developer, you can submit your application form here and join our grant channel on our Discord server. In the form, we will need information about your project, team, technical overview, mission, etc. Once submitted, our selection committee will internally review your application. If you are shortlisted, our team will invite you for an interview as the next step.

  1. I am a developer and I filled out the previous grant application form by E Money Network (https://form.typeform.com/to/M0Wq09qI). Am I eligible to apply for this grant?

Yes, you are eligible.

  1. What is the grant amount if I get selected?

The grant amount ranges from $5,000 to $50,000 and more, depending on the requirements and scale of the project.

  1. What kinds of projects can apply for a grant?

E Money Network invites developer teams with disruptive RWA-centric ideas to build on the E Money Network and bring innovative solutions to life. Applicants can submit Requests for Proposals (RFPs) detailing their ideas for RWA applications .

  1. Are there any specific criteria that the selection committee will use to evaluate the grant application?

The selection committee will evaluate grant applications based on several key criteria: the project's objectives and scope, its anticipated impact, defined milestones and key performance indicators (KPIs), the proposed budget, comprehensive team details including roles, responsibilities, and each member's previous experience, as well as the product roadmap. These factors collectively form the assessment criteria for grant applications.

  1. Can a single developer apply for multiple grants for different projects?


  1. What are the reporting requirements if my project is awarded a grant?

We will connect with you regarding next steps once the grant is approved.

  1. Is there any support provided to grant recipients during the project development phase?

Yes, we will try to provide support on all the fronts including ideation, tech, legal and compliance requirements, and market evaluation. We will help you in finding answers to all your questions in the project development phase.

  1. What happens if a grant recipient fails to meet the project milestones or deliverables?

The grant amount will be distributed in stages, contingent on the milestones achieved. In case a project fails to meet its milestones or deliverables, then the subsequent grant installment will be kept on hold. However, we will help you overcome the obstacles to achieving the set milestones. Once the milestones/deliverables are met, the grant amount will be distributed.

  1. Can grants be used for any type of expense, or are there specific eligible expenses?

You can mention all the relevant expenses in the proposal. If there are any miscellaneous expenses, we will ask for clarification post approval of the grant.

  1. Are collaborative projects between multiple developers or teams eligible for the grant?


  1. Are there any geographical restrictions for applicants?

No, we welcome projects from all the corners of the globe to join this grant program and #BUIDLonEMN.

  1. What kind of post-grant support or opportunities does E Money Network offer to successful projects?

E Money Network offers extensive post-grant support and opportunities to successful projects. Grant recipients will receive assistance in ensuring liquidity, infrastructure requirements, and legal compliance. Additionally, support will be provided in marketing, user acquisition, go-to-market strategies, and any other areas where E Money Network can contribute to the project's success.

  1. Is there an opportunity to extend the grant period or apply for additional funding after the initial grant is used?

Yes, based on the project's use cases and scale, the need for additional funding will be reviewed.

  1. Will the projects be featured or promoted by E Money Network once they are completed?

Yes, successful projects will be featured and promoted on E Money Network’s social and community channels.

Last updated