$SCLP Community Airdrop

General Information

Q: What is the $SCLP Airdrop?

A: The $SCLP Airdrop is our biggest community airdrop to date, where we are distributing a total of 1 million $SCLP tokens to reward our loyal community members for their continued support.

Q: Why is the airdrop being conducted?

A: This airdrop is our way of giving back to the community, acknowledging your support, and ensuring you continue to benefit as we move forward with exciting new developments.

Eligibility and Participation

Q: How can I become eligible for the airdrop?

A: To be eligible for the airdrop, you must hold your $SCLP tokens in a decentralized wallet like MetaMask or similar wallets during the snapshots. Tokens held on centralized exchanges will not be eligible. Stakers staking $SCLP are also eligible for the airdrop.

Q: When are the snapshots taking place?

A: The first snapshot will be on 3rd June. There will be periodic snapshots throughout the following month, which will be announced soon.

Q: Do I need to hold my $SCLP tokens through all snapshots?

A: Yes, the more snapshots you hold your $SCLP tokens through, the greater your allocation in the airdrop. This rewards long-term holders and encourages continued support.

Technical Details

Q: Which wallets are supported for the airdrop?

A: Any decentralized wallet that supports $SCLP tokens, such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and other similar wallets, is eligible for the airdrop.

Q: How will the airdrop be distributed?

A: The airdrop will be distributed in different proportions based on the snapshots. More details will be provided closer to the distribution dates.

Q: Will there be a lock-up period for the airdropped tokens?

A: There are no specific lock-up periods for the airdropped tokens, but we encourage holders to continue supporting the community by holding and staking their tokens.

Additional Information

Q: Where can I find more information about the airdrop?

A: More information can be found in our special "Airdrop-FAQs" channel on Discord, as well as on our official social media channels and website.

Q: What if I have more questions about the airdrop?

A: You can join our Discord and Telegram groups where we will be holding regular Q&A sessions and live calls to address any questions you may have.

Q: What are the next steps after the airdrop?

A: Stay tuned for our biggest announcement yet, which will mark a significant milestone for $SCLP and its community. Your continued support and participation are vital to our upcoming endeavors.

Stay Connected

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We deeply appreciate your trust and loyalty. Let’s continue to grow and succeed together!

With gratitude,

The $SCLP Team

Last updated

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